Asking for help can help learners to achieve their learning objectives. Seeking help can also be an indicator to avoid an activity. As an instructor in charge, it is important to pay attention to this. A teacher can support thinking of introducing a helper tool. In addition, it is important that they are able to formulate concrete and clear questions in an environment where asking questions is permitted.
In the course of the school year, a learner has a lot to deal with. The tetrahelper can be used to ask for help from a teacher, fellow students, etc.
The tetrahelper has 4 colours:
1. green: everything is okay.
2. blue: I help someone or someone helps me.
3. yellow: I have a question, but it is not so urgent.
4. red: I urgently need help.
The pupil sets the tetrahelper with the colour that only comes up for the pupil. This way the teacher knows when help is needed.
The tetrahelper can be used in primary education.
Dernaugé- Bost, B. (2012). Missie 'klaswerk'. Geraadpleegd op 27 mei 2019., van https://www.pinterest.com/pin/252905335308318849/?lp=true.