This thread is for those who are interested in it (cool entry right?). Introduction! Intro! Do you ever notice that it gets cloudy? Does it rain often? Do you even have an overcast sky? Wouldn't you like to think that there could be different OSRS gold weather forecasts other than sun? How can those plants grow without water?
Suggestion: Okay, I think it should rain now before it starts to rain in Runescape. Once a day on all the worlds it would rain for about 1 hour. If you are really unhappy with it, just switch worlds. When it rains, the screen would not get too blurry or uncomfortable to stare at, but in the background you would observe rain and there would be a bit of rain in the foreground too. There are puddles that you might see from time to time, and if a raindrop touches them, it would cause ripples. Similar to when a person walks through it.
These are the complete versions and are more worthy of the title "dragon". The final version is the level 500 Rorgon. Rorgon is a dragonkin. He, Wyvoch, and Nesazi are the three that you were able to see at the conclusion of While Guthix Sleeps. Rorgon is fighting in an area of multicombat and you should bring your his friends. He teleports leaving things on the ground and instead of dying.
I've always wished I could submit this suggestion to runescape directly however... I am not a member but an unpaid Buy RuneScape gold player. This idea is accessible to everyone RC members. Are you looking for an easier way to boost your stats after having completed all your member's or free quests?