We are one month away from hosting the International Teacher Educator Training in Athens, Greece. The event is being organized in the context of the SLIDEshow project and is largely based on the findings and results of its Intellectual Outputs and the experience gained from partners during the project implementation.
WHEN: 6-8 of November 2019
WHERE: Doukas School, Athens, Greece
WHO: SLIDEshow team and teachers and teacher educators from Belgium, Austria, Finland and Greece
The main topic of the event is Self-Regulated Learning (SRL), the theory behind it and most importantly how to transfer theory into practice, thus its name, "SRL in Action!". The main objectives, upon completion of the training, are for participants to have the motivation, knowledge, skills and tools to:
- support students’ self-regulated learning
- coach teacher colleagues to
- improve & personalize their SRL support
Another ERASMUS+ project will play a main role in the training, and that is the tMAIL project, and the application developed by the project, which trains teachers on how to support students’ Self-Regulated Learning. The app, as well as the teacher educator platform that comes with it, allows schools to further improve and personalize the way they support their students’ SRL.
Furthermore, the training aims to also attract participants from the following categories:
- pre-service teacher educators (incl. school mentors responsible for internships)
- in-service teacher educators
- school staff responsible for the professional development within the school
Upon completion of the training, participants, from the aforementioned categories, are expected to be able to replicate the training and its activities in their school with their educator colleagues and support them in the learning and implementation of data-driven SRL.
Program Structure Overview (Program)
What should the participant expect to learn and do during the course of the training.
Day 1
- What does self-regulated learning look like and how can I support it?
- You understand the theory behind SRL and can identify the dynamics
- You know different ways to support students’ SRL
- You reflect on your own SRL and SRL support
- You can recognise SRL happening in class
Day 2
- What instruments can I use to personalize my SRL support and to collaborate with others?
- You know several digital tools that can help you support SRL
- You know how to build a local SRL network with your colleagues, and know how to be part of an international SRL network
- You know how to use data to personalize and improve SRL support
- You have the necessary tools to coach some colleagues in learning about SRL
- You share and receive good practices, and are challenged to bring your skills to a next level
Day 3
- How can I further develop my own (school’s) SRL knowledge and improve my SRL instruction?
- You gained more specialized SRL knowledge
- You understand the differences/similarities between self-, co- and socially shared regulation of learning
- You received actionable feedback on one personal SRL challenge
- You observed SRL in students
- You have an Individual Improvement Plan
- You will create and present a resource that can be used in your own teaching context which demonstrates your understanding of the course
We invite you to join our SRL communities!
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